| Created by Axl Woodland | Last Update: September 13th, 2024|


Axl is a wolf who lives on the planet Viona with his friends. He has a magical tail that can grow to vast sizes! He can also pull of manoeuvres known to be completely impossible by human physics teachings. It is unknown how Axl was created, but few believe he was the result of illegal experimentation by humans (Using Vionan blood), before he was saved and transported to Viona by Justine. Unlike most normal wolves, Axl can actually purr, very loudly too...

Gender: Male


Justine is a Vionan cat who really likes adventure, more specifically “Free-running”. Justine also has very contagious happiness, if you come to her upset, she will not leave you alone, and you’ll be happy again in no time! Justine has been one of Axl’s best friends, ever since the day she plucked him from Earth. Justine also has the ability to control and create water (though a limited supply)

Gender: Female


Cross is a Vionan wolf who specialises in all things science. He was one of several responsible for the operation to retrieve Axl from Earth. He had taken care of Axl for a while, and taught him all about Viona. He has no known powers. He is great friends of Axl, Justine, and everyone else!

Gender: Male


Ryan is a Vionan lynx, he is great friends with Cross. He helped with the operation of taking Axl from Earth. He is able to create electricity for a short while. That and the bolt-like patterns on his fur had given him the nickname “Volt”

Gender: Male


Forest is a chill and laid-back Vionan fox. This are always calm around her. She has no known superpowers.

Gender: Female


Violet is a Vionan Wolf. She is known for her amazing stealth capabilities. She is similar to Axl, but can become a lot more unstable. Her and Axl didn’t get a long at first, but they learned to get along. Violet also owns a husky, rescued from Earth.

Gender: Female


Spirit is a Vionan fox who is exceptionally good at all things science, physics especially. She helped Axl in his recovery after leaving Earth. She is great friends with Fang.

Gender: Female


Fang is a Vionan Wolf with a love for all things action. He loves making motorcycles, and even designed and made one for Justine. Don’t let his look intimidate you, he’s actually very kind.

Gender: Male


Violet’s best friend and partner in not-crime, Denver was a dog uncovered in the lab where Axl was discovered. Modified, and given a human consciousness. He never leaves Violet’s side. He, like Violet is great at stealth. And has been able to take out several computer systems when instructed.

Gender: Male


Mallow is one of the peculiar characters. Mallow is formed entirely out of marshmallow goo. It is unknown how she is able to retain her form. She is actually very friendly, and will hug. A lot... Good luck getting it out of your fur and clothes. Mallow always takes on the form of aa wolf.

Gender: Female


Lavender is a friendly goo creature even more of a mystery than Mallow. Her goo reeks of lavender, and it can send a person to sleep very easily. Her goo can easily reform into another shape, or even harden. Under the right conditions, her goo can even form a very strong charge. Despite all this, if her goo ends up on you, or your clothes, it will come straight off, leaving zero residue. She lives in a building underneath a hill. She will always help anyone in need.

Gender: Female


Vixen is a goo creature of unknown origin. Thought as an off-planet creature, as he contains zero elements on the Vionan or Terran (Earth) periodic tables. Not much is known about him, except he lives in an abandoned lab, giving hospitality to those who pass by.

Gender: Male


Not from Earth or Viona, Her species name is unknown, but Axl calls her species a “Snow-Wolf”. This is due to her looking like a mix between a snow leopard and a wolf. Her goo is able to give others the same appearance as her. The process remains a mystery, but can easily be reversed by members of her species (If you decide to reverse in under a month since the initial transformation. If it’s more than a month, it’s permanent.) She is very kind though, and will not do anything.

Gender: Female


Created as a fork to the Nyx Project, Midnight is a robotic character created as part as the Helios Initiative. You can hop inside if you like. She is very friendly, and is a very nice person to work with!

Gender: Female


Also designed as part of the Helios Initiative, Iris is a robotic Hazmat suit, able to protect the person inside from close to all types of radiation. She’s very friendly too.

Gender: Female


Created by Spirit after watching the Earth movie “Iron Man”, Ada is the iron man suit, but much better!

Gender: Female


An inflatable statue of a mascot from an abandoned and 100% forgotten ski resort, she woken up, and was completely unsure of her origin. She is however very kind. She restored and now runs the ski resort, the resort is now the most popular in Viona. She lives in the snowy hills just near the resort. She will always help anyone in need, and will even bring them into her house if needed. This is how she met Axl. Some suspect her waking up was the result of the Nyx Project. Her jacket is something magical too. She can duplicate it and put it on someone else. This heats or cools the wearer to the just right temperature, no matter how cold, or hot.

Gender: Female


Winter was what the Nyx project was. She is a prototype who proven to be very stable and safe. She became Axl’s friends, helping him when it came to anything. She is a very understanding and cuddly being.

Gender: Female


Noelle is exactly like Snow, and was an alternative mascot for the abandoned ski resort. She became friends with Snow, and they both run the resort together, she lives next door to Snow.   

Gender: Female


Created by the humans to attack Viona, he was a very difficult target to defeat. When he was defeated, he was imprisoned for a while, then he started showing sincere regret, and was apologetic. From that point forward, he became a very kind and helpful person. Years later, he was released, and has zero thoughts on hurting anything. He’s just really nice now...

Gender: Male

Character Index